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/ The PC-SIG Library 10 / The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso / PC_SIGCD / 07 / 8 / DISK0786.ZIP / TOOLS1.ARC

Jump To: Text (8)  |  Other (15)

Text (8)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
LOCK.DOC Text File 20 1KB 1987-03-05
MBRAIN12.DOC Text File 215 8KB 1986-08-11
PASSWORD.BAS BASIC Source File 65 2KB 1987-03-09
PASSWORD.DOC Text File 53 2KB 1987-03-09
SDIR5.DOC Text File 203 8KB 1987-03-05
TREED.DOC Text File 14 567b 1987-03-05
WHEREIS.DOC Text File 30 1KB 1987-03-05
XWORD221.DOC Text File 194 9KB 1987-02-24

Other Files (15)
ETIME.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 550b 1987-02-18
FINDHIDE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 605b 1987-02-18
GREET.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 117b 1987-02-11
HIDE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 565b 1987-02-12
LOCK.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 439b 1987-03-05
MBRAIN12.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 3KB 1986-08-11
SDIR5.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 7KB 1987-03-05
STIME.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 550b 1987-02-09
TREED.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 2KB 1985-05-10
TSTAMP.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 149b 1987-02-18
UNHIDE.COM MS-DOS COM Executable 597b 1987-02-12
XWORD223.EXE MS-DOS/Windows Executable 31KB 1986-11-12
ASK.COM Unknown 88b 1987-02-05
CRYPT.BAS Unknown 1KB 1987-02-16
WHEREIS.COM Unknown 512b 1987-03-05